Christmas Cards


Using coloured card, cut enough shapes for each student. They should be roughly Christmas card-sized.

Half the students are ‘shopkeepers’, and half are ‘customers’. The shopkeepers sit down at a desk with the shapes on it. The customers come and the shopkeepers (in groups) ask them what they want. When a student has their card, they can decorate it to make a Christmas card. After a few minutes, shopkeepers and customers switch roles, until all students have a shape.

Next, the cards are shuffled and given to random students. The students make pairs and ask what shape they want. Their partner answers using their partner’s Christmas card as the shape they want. They then swap cards and make a new pair.

When time is up, the students can keep the last card they were holding as a present.


  • It’s best to split the ‘shopping’ activity/card designing and the card exchange into two lessons.
Posted byPaul on April 7, 2022

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